Many thanks for visiting the blog of Eva McDermott.

Southport Library, Southport, Maine Show September through October

September 20, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Here is an article in the Boothbay Register about me and my show at the Southport Library, Southport, Maine. If visiting the mid coast Maine area, be sure to stop by. Library hours are Tuesdays, Thursday, and Saturday 9 - 4 and Tuesday and Thursday evenings 7 - 9. For those who can't see the show, I put together a Southport Library Show Gallery on my website with the 48 images that are displayed there. Thanks for having a look.

Photography has been my hobby, my passion for close to 40 years.My photographic journey began when, as a teenager, I bought my first camera, a 35mm Minolta range finder with the money I earned from a summer job.


Solo Show at the First Bank In Boothbay Harbor

June 13, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

View from a Friendship Sloop


So just to inform everyone, I currently have a solo show at The Fist Bank in Boothbay Harbor, Maine.  Here is a link to an article in the Boothbay Register.  Thanks for having a look.  Most of my images at The First, showcase the beauty of the Boothbay area but this show also includes others I have taken in Nova Scotia, Norway, and Scotland.  The show goes on for the months of June and July.  So if you are visiting mid coast Maine, please stop by for a look.  Thank you!

Tha Maine Photography Show 2013

April 11, 2013  •  1 Comment
Upate!  This image won 3rd Place in the B&W Category! 
One of my images, Celestial was selected for the 8th Annual Maine Photography Show 2013.  This image is an ice abstract taken on a frozen pond in Sudbury, MA.  This will be the seventh year one of my images has been selected for this prestigious show. 
I dedicate this image to my mom-in-law Pat who died on March 30, 2013 at the age of 94.  She attended each opening with me the six previous years my images were chosen and also helped in many other ways. She also traveled with me to Cape Breton many times on my photo adventures there.

The Maine Photography Show  is the annual premier juried gallery show of photography in Maine.  It is organized by The Boothbay Region Art Foundation (BRAF) of which I am a member.  This year's juror for MPS 2013 is the nationally known nature photographer Tony Sweet.

If anyone is interested, the show details are listed below my selected image, Celestial.

8th annual
Maine Photography Show
Saturday, April 13 through May 3, 2013
BRAF gallery
Boothbay Harbor, Maine
Juror: Tony Sweet
Opening reception and awards ceremony: April 12th from 5pm-7pm

Maine Photograhy Show
BRAF Gallery
Boothbay Region Art Foundation
One Townsend Avenue
Boothbay Harbor, Maine
Gallery hours: 11am-5pm on Fridays through Sundays

Processed Film from Scotland Trip Arrives

June 20, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

My processed film from my Scotland trip arrived the other day and I have started to scan, process, and upload some images.  The first was taken at sunrise on Durness Beach, Sutherland Scotland on a Transient Light Masterclass with Ian Cameron and three other fellow photographers.  I was delighted with the outcome of this image.  While the brilliant light of the sun my not be to everyone's liking, it does express the glorious light and color I experienced that wonderful morning.  After getting up at 2:30 AM, that light and color made it all worth it.


Sunrise on Durness Beach, Sutherland, ScotlandDurness Sunrise

Caithness and Sutherland - First Blog Post

June 13, 2012  •  1 Comment

I just returned from an amazing trip to Caithness and Sutherland in the north of Scotland on a Transient Light Master Class with Ian Cameron and three other wonderful folk.  Great company, amazing light, and beautiful weather..... what more can you ask for?  Cotton candy pink clouds floating above a glowing Ben Loyal as the sun set.





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